Photography, Mixed Media, 6 photos, 2023 

Interpretation of the conversation as part of social communication, not verbally, but emotionally. The dictionary gives us a definition that a conversation occurs primarily during speech communication, but what happens if we consider it from the point of view of visual and emotional, because words do not always express thoughts or feelings.  Language creates distortions of thoughts, facial expressions and gestures are read differently by different cultural national and social groups.
The synthesis of factors gives us the understanding of another person. Thoughts transmitted by the interlocutor are often reflected in our consciousness and modified. Each idea and word is modified according to our character, emotional state and the correctness of understanding of this word and language. We reflect reality but distorted or partially, but we can never see the whole picture - because the whole is the whole world of another person with his experience and fears. 
The project was created during the 2023 ecoSuites art Residency at Tristinika Beach, Greece.  The experience of observing people of different nationalities and their communications gives us an understanding of the difference in our national and cultural identity. Friendly and creative alliances are formed more at the level of emotional empathy than actual analysis. The proximity of a cultural and linguistic group does not create the closeness of people and their interest in each other.